Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Chris browns finery didnt get him off the hook today.

Wearing a white jacket over a black  shirt, tie and pant. The nattily dressed singer appeares with his attorney in court Monday, where a judge set a preliminary hearing for july 15 to determine whether they should move forward with a probation-vio.lation accusaation stemming from his 2009 asault case.

Brown was ordered to attend the 2.p.m court date.

 The L.A county District attorney's office has accused the Grammy awards winner of providing shoddy documentation concerning the 180 hours of community labour he supposedly completed as part of his sentence for assaulting Rihanna. Per the current terms of his sentence, he is on probation until next summer.

According to KTLA-TV prosecutors were expected to inform the judge today whether they had resolved the matter with their accusations.

Today's hearing was a continuance from two months ago to allow the court to review new discovery materials.

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