Wednesday, 11 December 2013

It would be remembered that Kim has got through a great deal of pain to convince the world that she never had surgery merely admitting to dabbling in a spot of Botox. 
But when Kim Kardashian showed off a rare profile angle while attending The Hollywood Reporter's Women in Entertainment breakfast on Wednesday, the difference in her facial features was hard to ignore.
The 33-year-old's nose seems to have especially morphed over the years, despite her claims she's never had rhinoplasty.
It's appears that at some point Kim has possibly had the bump on her bridge shaved down, to allow for a more flawless appearance. 
In an interview with ABC's News' Nightline back in 2010, Kim insisted that she was '100%' surgery free. 
'I'm totally not against plastic surgery, I've tried Botox before. That's the only thing that I've done,' she claimed.

'I've never had my nose done,' she added defiantly.
Well Well Well... What do you think?

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