Tuesday, 18 February 2014

A little work maybe? Kim Kardashian's derriere today in 2014 looks remarkably bigger compared to six year ago in 2008 in the picture above.

Though an X-Ray has proven that Kim had no implant on her backside, but that doesn't mean Kim Kardashian didn't get surgical help to make her derriere the most famous in the world.
There are rumours going around that the question of Kim's extra curvy backside, as a source close to the star revealed that she has had fat from her stomach and thighs injected into her bottom to make it bigger than ever.
According to what an insider told Closer magazine: 'Kim hasn't had implants. She's had the fat from her tummy and thighs taken out by lipo, then injected into her bottom. She also wears padded knickers sometimes.'

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